Ontario Adventures
So we moved to Ontario. Why? Many reasons: my education, it was way past time, since I've been trying to move out east for more years then I'm ever putting into writing (seriously, no!),...there's a possibility I didn't believe I could keep annoying the Alberta wildlife forever and not get eaten...the list goes on! But regardless of motivation, here we are: Ontario!
First impressions: It's hot, really hot; this is the longest summer I've had in a 14 years! Which is awesome, for me. Czari's just happy to sleep through it. He's got an air conditioner that he's fallen in love with and spends the hot days basically wrapped around it.
It's also more abundant in terms of the wildlife available to enjoy/annoy. So far we have found raccoons, coyotes, wolves, deer and FAR too many bugs. Not kidding about the last one! The house I'm renting is in a forest (YAY! So cool! but wait...there's more!) and every night I have the local insect traffic running through my house - I've tried: closing the lights, poisoning them, shooing them away and finally developed a new hobby of just stomping on them since they're not getting the message - I feel I'm making some progress but have a sneaking suspicion it may just be the weather getting colder as we are entering October...possibly).
Current backyard... :))) |
You may wonder how I managed to find wolves...well, I have a gift you see...
I do live in the city and did not travel anywhere near the more northern parts of Ontario where one might expect to find wolves. However, as previously mentioned, I am special, so I quickly mapped out all the parks within a 2 hour driving distance. I then narrowed this down to all the wildlife reserves, and then checked all of them out until I found one that felt all "homey"...aka, like Kananaskis. In my defense, the website distinctly said the wildlife part refers mainly to frogs. And there were a TON of frogs, so many that they would just throw themselves at your legs as you walked past. I liked the place and it seemed safe enough. So I proceeded to go have fun at sunset as per my usual routine. Half an hour into my hike, as the sun disappeared, a familiar sound drifted towards us from across the lake: howling wolves. No, not coyotes. I know because I've heard coyotes before; definitely NOT coyotes. I was back in my car in 15 min, after the most productive evening run I've had in a while. Czari? Well since they were across the lake, and he couldn't beat them up, poochie was content to just keep running around beside me. Moral? Internet is sometimes wrong. Yes, I realize it seems obvious. Like I said, I'm special.
And so begins the next chapter in our adventures blog...