Thursday, 26 December 2013

 Introducing Czari & Zuzi

To begin with, this is the puppy in question :). He's name is Czari. And these pics were taken the first week he got here in Canada, at about 3.5 months old.

The breed is called Carpathian Shepard Dog, and for those unfamiliar with it, click here

In short, they are very primal animals: very strong instincts, amazing intelligence and stubbornness (yes, both...emphasis on BOTH), and extremely loyal and loving to the family. Definitely not for the inexperienced owner or the faint of heart. Also, wouldn't recommend as a traditional pet. The breed is a working dog and is still used as such today. They need at least 3 hours of exercise each day in nature (note: they hunt too, by themselves, no training necessary). I do daily hikes at least 4 times a week for 2-3 hours in the Rocky Mountains to keep the dog happy, healthy and balanced. And an additional 1/2 hour to 1 hr walk in the evening...depending on how challenging the morning hike was...

Czari is our second dog. The first one we got was a girl named Zuzi; a Keeshond female of unparalleled beauty and craziness!! LOL! Yes, for those familiar with the popular history of the name Zuzi, we were aware of it! That's why we chose it ;).

 Although this story will mainly focus on the time after Czari entered our lives, Zuzi will be here every step of the way, barking at all real and imaginary dangers, lol! Our little girl is every inch the watch dog.

The pics below are recent. Czari is 1.5 years old now and still maturing, Zuzi is 6.5 years old. But we're not quite there yet...
I will tell the story from the beginning, so whoever stumbles on this blog will fall in love with these guys as we did, day by day...unconditionally...and unavoidably :)

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